Sunday, 12 February 2012

Welcome to Dee's Blog! :D

Yayy!! I finally started my own blog *windecks*

Anyway, I just feel it's cliche to go into why I started this blog...
So, I've always wanted to do some writing ever since I was 9 years old and I kinda rocked at writing essays all through secondary school. ^.^ However, as I wrote my last examination in high school, I sent those dreams to the bottom of my oldest box. Why? I felt I wasn't good enough -___-

Last year, someone tweeted at me and said "when are you gonna start your own blog?" after I helped another someone "advertise" his recent post on his blog and that got me thinking about starting my blog but was still a little scared :|. About a week ago, I wrote something and I sent to one of my friends and she said "You should start your own blog" and I guess that's what pushed me.

What you should expect from this blog?
First of all, its an anonymous blog. Yes, I'm still a little scared.
Secondly, MOST of the stories that would be posted here are very REAL as I don't have the talent for fiction.....yet!
Furthermore, I love food, cooking and really old songs so pardon me when I don't have anything to post here I'll put up a random recipe or lyrics to a song from the 80's or 90's. ^.^
Finally, I love using emoticons or smileys or whatever they're called these days. My favourites include: :D, ^.^, -___- and of course, exclamation marks "!!!!" Please pardon me as I'm excited, nervous and scared about this! X_x

So without further ado, Welcome to Dee's Blog!

P.S. Dee Phoenix is in no way associated to my real name. Dee is from one of the women I admire most -Ruby Dee Ossie Davis and Phoenix is cos I think I have the main feature of the fictional Phoenix Bird (The ability to start afresh) and its also a beautiful name for a female.


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